
Thursday, 12 July 2012

Wonders of Geology


Explore new rock in the world
واحدة من عجائب الجيولوجيا واكثرها غموضاً

صخور المويراكى ..واحدة من عجائب الجيولوجيا واكثرها غموضاً احدى الألغاز التي حيرت علماء الجيولوجيا .صخور المويراكي “Moeraki”، وهي صخور دائرية الشكل مجهولة المنشأ. شكلها الكروي الغريب والتجويف الداخلي وقشرتها الخارجية المتصدعة وتواجدها في أماكن غير متوقعة جعلها سراً من أسرار الجيولوجيا. بعض الصخور تشكلت من الحجارة، والبعض الآخر من الحديد، وتقدر أعمارها من 5 إلى 50 مليون سنة ، ومن المذهل بأن هذه الصخور قد تشكلت أيضاً على سطح المريخ، ويفيد العلماء بأن ذلك حدث بسبب صواعق البرق . شوهدت الصخور أيضاً في الصين وفي البوسنة، وحتى في كوستاريكا حيث يُعتقد بأن حضارة الأولمك هي التي صقلتها، و أيضاً صخور تم اكتشافها في روسيا في إحدى قرى سيبيريا و فرنسا و نراها في الأرجنتين حيث تتفاوت في الأحجام وغالباً ما توصف بأنها “قنابل المدافع المتحجرة” و على شاطئ “باولنغ بول” في كاليفورنيا سنأخذكم في جولة إلى عدة مناطق حول العالم حيث تواجدت تلك الصخور الغامضة

Moeraki rocks .. one of the wonders of geology and the most mysterious
Moeraki rocks .. and one of the wonders of geology, one of the most mysterious puzzles that baffled geologists. Rocks Moeraki  "Moeraki", a circular shape rocks of unknown origin. Spherical form of the stranger, the internal cavity and the outer shell cracked, and its presence in unexpected places make them the secrets of the geology. Some rocks were formed of stone, others of iron, with an estimated useful lives of 5 to 50 million years, it is amazing that these rocks may also be formed on the surface of Mars, scientists report that this happened because of lightning strikes. Seen rocks also in China and Bosnia, and even in Costa Rica where it is believed that the civilization Alawlmk is refined, and also rocks were discovered in Russia in a village in Siberia, France, we see in Argentina, where varying in sizes and are often described as "bombs, cannons petrified" and on the beach "Paulng Paul" Snakhzkm in California on a tour of several areas around the world where the mysterious rock that existed


The Dinosaur Egg Boulders of Moeraki

Often, nature teases our reason and challenges us to more creatively evaluate her beauty. Like an elderly woman wishing her husband would view her like he did when they were young, Mother Nature asks us to view her imaginatively like we did when we were children. She shows us amazing phenomena like painted landscapes, psychedelic hot springs and clouds that resemble UFOs to remind us that nature can be most magical when not viewed through the strict lens of science. Henry David Thoreau wrote in Walden that the poet's approach to nature will always be superior to the approach of farmers or naturalists, because only a poet can be inspired by nature's purity, without wanting to dissect it into logic. If we adopt a poetic approach to the Moeraki Boulders of New Zealand, rocks can become dinosaur eggs.

 The Moeraki Boulders also have an explanation rooted in myth. According to Maori legend, a canoe was wrecked along the New Zealand coast carrying a cargo of eel baskets, calabashes and kumaras, which petrified into rock when they fell onto the land. The boulders are symbols of the ship's loss.

 Scientifically, the Moeraki Boulders are formations of cemented mudstone, shaped by coastal erosion. They are composed of mud, fine silt, and clay. They are predominantly spherical, though some are slightly elongated. All are huge – measuring up to 9 feet in diameter and weighing several tons. The Moeraki Boulders are a popular tourist attraction for their rarity, and suggestive shape.


Entrümpelung said...

Thank you for your wonderful topics :)

Räumung said...

تسلم ايديك على الموضوع Räumung